New features

  • It’s now possible to only review JA->EN or EN->JP at one time
  • Study Modes can be switched anytime without losing progress (Settings -> Lessons)
  • A kana-only Study Mode has been added
  • WK vocabulary can be excluded from all Study Modes
  • Kana-only vocabulary can be excluded from all Study Modes
  • Improved typos tolerance for english words (similar to what WK does)
  • New lessons appear more randomly in order to avoid too many similar words in a row
  • Reviews appear more randomly in order to avoid always the same items being reviewed at the same time
  • Audio auto-play is now also available in review-sessions (Settings -> Reviews)
  • Android: Study reminders (=push notifications) have been added
  • Kana-characters are now supported in notes
  • A character limit counter for notes has been added
  • You can now type Hiragana for Katakana-words
  • Settings now have descriptions
  • The changelog will now be displayed on the ‘Update available’ mask
  • Accounts can be (permanently) deleted
  • Added a simple Resource Monitor to keep track of RAM usage etc (press F12 to open)


  • [Experimental] Desktop: Audio related errors led to frequent crashes
  • Android: The keyboard no longer obscures the email/password fields
  • editing in the middle of a note returned the cursor to the text end with every keystroke
  • marking text in a note crashed the application if that note started with a line break
  • The application showed a higher amount of available lessons than there were left to learn
  • Japanese words that contain a lot of characters shouldn’t exceed the screen width anymore
  • The ‘I made my choice’ button on the Study Mode selection mask could be clicked even though there was no Study Mode selected
  • Not closing Torii could lead to excessive RAM usage over time in some cases